Sunday, October 2, 2011

Going Home (Deuteronomy 8, John 14)

"Home is where the heart is" right? Not sure who came up with that saying, but it seems to be pretty biblical.
These two themes (heart & home) are prominent in today's passages.

In Deuteronomy 8 Moses warns the Israelites not to forget the LORD. He reminds them that God led them into the desert for a reason and that God provided for them while they were there. Moses calls on the people to observe the LORD's commands, walk in His way and to revere Him (vs 6). For they are about to enter the promised land (their earthly home) which is described in abundance (vs 7-9). So Moses tells them to keep praising God and remembering Him as they cross over from desert to abundant land (vs 10 onwards). To not let their hearts stray towards foreign gods, self-sufficiency & pride (vs 17-20). This passage offers a stern warning to us today.

We live in a land of abundance here in the Shire ('the promised land') which can be deceptively comfortable, wealthy and seemingly self-sufficient. And our hearts can easily stray from God (praising & fearing Him, walking in His ways etc.) to all manner of idols, self-sufficiency & pride. Sometimes I wish I lived in Africa, or was a lot poorer - it would force me to depend on God more, like the Israelites had to in the desert. However, the reality is vs 5 - "know then in your heart as a man disciplines his son, so the LORD your God disciplines you." Like Hebrews 12 God gives us a slightly scary but encouraging word - He disciplines those He loves - so get ready to be disciplined! If you are his son/daughter he will bring you low, humble you to your knees whether you are in Cronulla or Khartoum, Engadine or Ethiopia. And the question is, will you accept his discipline?

Deuteronomy 8 is a really powerful passage (definitely worth reading - and is very real for us today). Much more could be said - suffice to say, it is a very humbling read.

And first verse of John 14:

John 14.1,27 - "Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

God (Father, Son & Spirit) is always banging on about the heart! Knowing Him is always about the heart, dare I say, even more so than the head! Jesus uses very emotional language in this passage, as is pretty normal for him (he is not an intellectual knob like the pharisees were). "If you love me ... " (vs 15), "Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them ...” etc. And the obvious question for us is - Do you love Him? Do you love Him? (not "do you know heaps about Him", not "do you have a theological degree", not "are you a moral/upright person") - Do you love Him? It is the question Jesus asks Peter three times in John 21 - "Do you love me?". Do you love this God?

Hmmmm........ I ask myself this question. I guess I just pray - "God - Father, Son & Spirit, I want to know you better (truly know you in a heartfelt way), my flippant heart is easily swayed - make me love you with an undivided heart."

And yeah, Jesus promises us home and shalom (deep/rich peace with God - real relationship) for ever and ever - we experience that now in part, but more fully when He returns.

Come Lord Jesus.

Steve Spratt (7pm @ EAC)

Tomorrows Readings: Deuteronomy 9, John 15).

Also, any thoughts on vs 12-14? I think it would be interesting to discuss

1 comment:

  1. It is so true as we read Deuteronomy 8, how we start thinking that everything God provides us is something we earned or achieved for ourself. We forget about him and say 'look at the life i've made for myself' when we should be saying, 'thankyou God for your blessings to me'.
