Friday, September 30, 2011

Passing on the Baton (Friday, Deuteronomy 6, John 12)

What will be your legacy? What is it that you wish to preserve above all else beyond your own life and onto the generations to come? Is it the family name? Is it a contribution to society?

Thursday, September 29, 2011

From grieving to believing (Thursday 27 Sep, John 11, Deuteronomy 5)

I must admit that whenever I read this passage I can't help thinking of our former Prime Minister John Howard likening himeslf to Lazarus with a triple-bypass. While his label was amusing (at the time, wearing a tad thin now), his transition to PM wasn't anything remotely close to the significance of Jesus raising Lazarus to life after several days buried in a tomb.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Willing Sacrifice (Wednesday, John 10, Deuteronomy 4)

Jesus certainly knows how to make a scene.  In John chapter 10 alone he gets called 'demon possessed and raving mad', he nearly gets stoned, he is accused of blasphemy and then nearly seized again.  It seems a persons response to Jesus will be one of two extremes and ultimately, it comes down to one thing...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Does God use human suffering in order to glorify himself? (John 9 and Deuteronomy 3)

When Jesus and his disciples encounter a man who was blind from birth, it sparks a theological conundrum for his disciples: “...who sinned this man or his parents that he was born blind?” (v2). Jesus’ answer shifts the focus from cause to purpose“ that the work of God might be displayed in his life.” (v3).

Monday, September 26, 2011

Who's Your Daddy? (Monday, John 8, Deuteronomy 2)

I feel somewhat inadequate to post again after so many insightful reflections from everyone over the last few days.  Thank you - your comments have challenged and provoked me in my walk with Jesus in many ways!
As I open up John chapter 8 on this tired Sunday evening, the words of Jesus seem unnecessarily confronting.  He claims we're either children of God or children of the devil!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

How to make an 11 day journey last 40 years? (Sunday, John 7, Deuteronomy 1)

Deut 1.2 - It takes eleven days to go from Horeb to Kadesh Barnea by the Mount Seir road.

No, the Israelites were not just very slow walkers or prone to a bit of window shopping (heck, there was nothing much but desert to look at). They epitomised fallen humanity, very resistant to trusting God and slow to grow up into maturity. In the forty years in the desert God was making and moulding His people Israel. He was teaching and disciplining them, readying them for life in God's promised land.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Stop Grumbling and Believe! (Saturday, John 6 & Psalm 119:161-176)

When God starts talking to me, then I'll consider listening. When He shows me some proof that He's actually there, then I might believe.

This is a pretty common standpoint of people today. Believing in something that seems intangible, something that can't be concretely proven by science, something that requires a 'leap of faith' is seen as naive, ignorant and foolish. Reading John 6 though, it seems like not only was this also the standpoint of people in Jesus' day, but even in the face of Jesus, standing there in the flesh, doing miracles. Those people stared point blank at 'proof', and yet still it wasn't enough. Proof doesn't necessarily breed belief.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Are You a Runner? (Friday, John 5, Psalm 119:129-160)

It's fair to say that everyone responds to tough times differently and in their own way. But as I reflect on some difficult and tragic times in the past, I have not always turned to God in trust and dependence, but in some cases have run the other way.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Would we be so bold? (Thursday, John 4, Psalm 119:97-128)

Two things struck me while reading John 4 - which challenge the way I sometimes relate to non-Christians and also the way I approach arming myself with the Gospel.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

You can't birth yourself! (Wed, John 3, Psalm 119:65-96)

My brother and his wife have just had their first child and every time I see and hold a little newborn I am reminded how miraculous birth really is!  A whole new person has arrived into the world!  A new little person who is completely dependent and utterly helpless has come into existence.  I guess conception is the real miracle in that case really - but that's another story.  So what does Jesus mean that being born again is necessary to see and enter the Kingdom of God?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Jesus, not so meek and mild... (Tuesday, John 2, Psalm 119:33-64)

If I had been in the temple on the day of John 2:13-25 I would have been very afraid.  Jesus doesn't just politely ask people to leave, he whips them out, he overturns tables.  Considering the power of Jesus and the miracles he performed in his lifetime, could you imagine what he could do in anger!?!  And this wasn't just a spur of the moment thing, it was pre-meditated - he took the time to make a whip out of cords to drive them out.  This seems so far from the meek and mild Jesus of Christmas carols.  What has got into Jesus?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Testify! Brother John - (Mon, John 1, Psalm 119:1-32)

Good morning,
Sorry I realise I probably missed many of you who have already read, reflected and prayed over the scriptures this morning and then been disappointed not to find anything on this blog.  We'll endeavour to make sure the post is up the night before from now on.
One of the things I find when I read my Bible is I need something to slow me down.  It's easy for me to read a few chapters of the Bible, all the while my mind racing with other things, and not even remember what I've read.  A helpful way to slow yourself down is to write something down.  

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Reading Plan:

Date                Reading 1           Reading 2
 19/09/2011    John 1                 Psalm 119:1-32
 20/09/2011    John 2                 Psalm 119:33-64
 21/09/2011    John 3                 Psalm 119:65-96
 22/09/2011    John 4                 Psalm 119:97-128
 23/09/2011    John 5                 Psalm 119:129-160
 24/09/2011    John 6                 Psalm 119:161-176
 25/09/2011    John 7                 Deuteronomy 1
 26/09/2011    John 8                 Deuteronomy 2
 27/09/2011    John 9                 Deuteronomy 3
 28/09/2011    John 10                 Deuteronomy 4
 29/09/2011    John 11                 Deuteronomy 5
 30/09/2011    John 12                 Deuteronomy 6
 1/10/2011     John 13                 Deuteronomy 7
 2/10/2011     John 14                 Deuteronomy 8
 3/10/2011     John 15                 Deuteronomy 9
 4/10/2011     John 16                 Deuteronomy 10
 5/10/2011     John 17                 Deuteronomy 11
 6/10/2011     John 18                 Ephesians 1
 7/10/2011     John 19                 Ephesians 2
 8/10/2011     John 20                 Ephesians 3
 9/10/2011     John 21                 Ephesians 4
 10/10/2011   Micah 1                 Ephesians 5
 11/10/2011   Micah 2                 Ephesians 6
 12/10/2011   Micah 3                 1 Peter 1
 13/10/2011   Micah 4                 1 Peter 2
 14/10/2011   Micah 5                 1 Peter 3
 15/10/2011   Micah 6                 1 Peter 4
 16/10/2011   Micah 7                 1 Peter 5