Saturday, September 24, 2011

Stop Grumbling and Believe! (Saturday, John 6 & Psalm 119:161-176)

When God starts talking to me, then I'll consider listening. When He shows me some proof that He's actually there, then I might believe.

This is a pretty common standpoint of people today. Believing in something that seems intangible, something that can't be concretely proven by science, something that requires a 'leap of faith' is seen as naive, ignorant and foolish. Reading John 6 though, it seems like not only was this also the standpoint of people in Jesus' day, but even in the face of Jesus, standing there in the flesh, doing miracles. Those people stared point blank at 'proof', and yet still it wasn't enough. Proof doesn't necessarily breed belief.

A crowd had been following Jesus around as He healed blind people, sick people, people with terrible diseases. Just healed them, instantly and miraculously. He had just fed a football stadium of people on a hill, using a bit of bread and a couple of fish. And yet now, looking at Jesus, probably still satisfied with bread and fish in their bellies, the people ask Him, “What sign then will you give that we may see it and believe you? What will you do?" (v.30).

It seems baffling, don't you think? Jesus says to them "you have seen me and still you do not believe"(v.36). Seeing is not believing, and no 'trick' that He could perform for them was going to move their hard hearts. They needed to believe based on faith, not based on what they considered to be hard proof.

While their attitude is frustrating, maybe we need to examine ourselves and see if we are really that different. When things start de-railing and not going according to plan, does my faith and belief start to falter? I may believe that God is there in those times, but do I still believe that God is loving, and that He is working everything for my good? Do I believe that He knows best? Or am I instead prone to grumble and doubt... God, You've made this too hard, and I can't cope. If You really cared surely You'd prove it to me now by taking away this problem?

I often want God to perform, and I expect that this will strengthen my faith. But it doesn't work that way. The Creator of the universe doesn't jump through my silly little hoops! We often expect God to prove Himself when He's already done so much. So much more than we could ask, hope or wish for. So much more than we deserve. He has saved us through the blood of His precious son Jesus. The miraculous sign has already been performed, and that we are here alive today, forgiven and at peace with God, with the Holy Spirit living in us because of the saving work of our king, Jesus, well, we couldn't ask for more.

Jesus says that His Fathers' great will is that "everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.” (v.40) We don't need to worry and doubt, we need to believe and celebrate at this prospect!

--Ben McLaughlin, 9am @ Engadine

Tomorrows Readings: John 7, Deuteronomy 1.


  1. It's interesting here that in verse 66 many disciples turned back and no longer followed him... So many it seems that Jesus needed to ask the disciples whether they wanted to turn back too? What was it about the teaching that was so hard to accept (v60)? Is it the fact that Jesus won't be bringing in a great physical Kingdom, but will be dying and offering his body and blood to being a spiritual kingdom?

  2. My thought is more on the blog this time round. I agree with what you say no doubt but i think it is also an important to realize that god does prove himself and he does work,the hoops you discuss are of own own making the challenge in those times is seeing the work that god does. i think too often we set our sights on something then the expectation is if that is not what we get then god has not performed. Hindsight as they say is a wonderful thing and often we find what we want is not what we need or the best thing for us. As god is sovereign his plan will always be the best thing. I guess that comes of having faith like a child. Parents always want the best for there kids and you don't see that often till you become a parent many years latter. What I want and what I need are often different things. Maybe that is my challenge alone but i always see gods work in my life when I look back, like the famous footsteps poem. I pray that I will see better when I look forward.

  3. Thanks for your insights, Luke, I think you are spot on. I think in my post I fell short by making it seem like God's wonderful works kind of stopped at the cross, whereas, as you say, He proves Himself and confirms His love on a daily basis in how He looks after His children.
